As a Sophomore with severe Sophomore-itis and with a theology teacher who has not come to class in a week and probably will not be coming back too soon, I can relate. This blog post was technically supposed to be done sometime the previous week. Each night however, I had an excuse to put it off. All the weeknights leading up to Sunday- "I can just get it done on Sunday." Sunday night- "I'll just watch the Rockets game." Yesterday- "I have a golf banquet." Finally, about an hour before I usually retire for the night, I have decided to get it done.
So what would the Catholic Church teach about such laziness? Laziness is a consequence of Original Sin. When Adam and Eve sinned, concupiscence entered the human race. Concupiscence is the tendency of man towards sin, after the Fall. This tendency is not washed away at Baptism, and must be battled constantly by a Christian in their everyday lives. It is this tendency that tempts me and other students from doing our assignments on time, rationalizing our evasive actions all the while (making excuses).
On another note, being lazy is not doing what God has called us to do. Currently, God is calling us to be good students. Putting off assignments and procrastinating is doing exactly the opposite: it is searching for loopholes and "the easy way out" to God's call.
Whatever actions/positions God calls you to, fulfill such obligations with all of your will. God calls us to be the best we can be, not an ok, slacking individual. Laziness is merely a symptom of someone not fulfilling their true potential as determined by God.
I now feel doubly obligated to get my blog posts in on time as if I do not this post would become atrociously hypocritical.
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