Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Catholic Church: Hate It or Love It, You Need It

Scandals constantly hit the Catholic Church. Recently, priests have been caught touching and talking to children inappropriately, which are absolutely tragic and gut-wrenching events. Numerous other sex scandals have been exposed over the years. Even more prevalent in the Catholic Church is the corruption. Money-hungry Church officials exist in every generation, abusing the Church for his own personal gain. There were times between 1000 and 2000 AD that the Church was so corrupt it is a miracle in itself that she still exists.

Events such as these are what have inspired videos such as "Why I Hate Religion but Love Jesus." You may believe in Jesus Christ and love him, but not be so crazy about the Church. I'll now offer a defense of the Catholic Church, despite its corruption.

First of all,  you still need the Church. Jesus Christ specifically instituted the Church as the means of the salvation he won for us by His Paschal Mystery. The Eucharist and all other Sacraments are celebrated solely through Jesus Christ's Mystical Body; there are no loopholes to this fact. Even if Church officials are corrupt and you do not particularly like them, the fact remains that the Church is the only way for you to be saved.

Second, human corruption does not detract from the Church's authority and holiness in the slightest. Humans are naturally corrupt due to our corrupted natures from Original Sin. It makes sense that the humans within the Church are corrupt and scandalous. In fact, it can almost be expected. However, the Holy Spirit still guides the Church and protects it. Jesus Christ still instituted the Church, so the Church is still Holy. No matter what the people within the Church community say and do, the Church's divine origin maintains its holiness and authority.

Last, the fact that the Church is so corrupt and still exists is a testament to its divine origin. Any typical, human organization would crumble under scandals and corruption as severe and widespread as the Church has withstood. However, the Church has withstood them all, and continues to today. This can only add to your confidence that the Church is truly Jesus's Church.

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