Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Reflection on "All Are Welcome!"

This article is about two main things- first it explains the role of the Church and the perosns who make it up; and second it preaches a philosophy of “hate the sin but not the sinner”. On the first note, a kid joins the family for dinner one day, bringing the analogy to “the Church as catholic” which means the Church is universal and is for all humans. Next, the article goes on to explain the role of the person in the formation of the Church; specifically that we all make up the body of Christ and are members of the priesthood of the laity (incorporating class teachings +1) because of our partaking in Christ’s nature as a priest.

The second part of the article talks about the philosophy of “hate the sin not the sinner’ which I think is an important distinction that needs to be made in Christian theology today. So long Christians have blamed x person as a “bad person” , but not as a “good person with bad actions”. Genesis and the creation story teaches us that all of God’s creation is created good, but after the fall this creation takes on original sin and because lazy and sins. So, it is technically improper to hate the person; we must instead hate the sin.

I think this article is a good one to explore the characteristics of the Church, especially its unity and apostolic qualities. Furthermore, it is a good article to explore the basics of “hate the sin, not the sinner” that was crucial to Jesus’ teachings.

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