Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Reflection on the Video with Ronald Davis

The Catholic Church teaches that all humans were made in the image of God, and as such are equal in their inviolable dignity. In short, the Catholic Church believes every human person is a human person. Earth-shattering, I know. But as evident in Ronald Davis's video, many people do not recognize this fact. Ignorance, a consequence of Original Sin, clouds people's intellects to make them believe people like Ronald are just bums, and inferior to all others. It's dehumanizing enough to have no home and have to beg for food and shelter; such ignorant folk only humiliate the homeless even more. 

I think Ronald's story can teach us a lesson about judging and condemnation. People are quick to label homeless people as drunks and crackheads. Many of us look at someone like Ronald and assume he or she is just a good-for-nothing bum. But we do not know their story. We do not know what they have been through. We cannot honestly judge Ronald for not having a job when employers will not hire him due to his appearance and he has no phone number to leave them. As humans we have no right to judge other humans and make assumptions about them. The only thing we can assume about somebody is that they are a human being like the rest of us. 

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